Dr. med. dent. Sylwia Fudalej

November 2020: Takeover of the dental practice of Dr.med.dent. Vera Tudjina in Münsingen

01.2019 : Successor of Dr. med. Christian Wolf in the dental practice in Aeschi b.Spiez.

10.2017 : Doctoral thesis and doctorate in dentistry at the University of Bern.

2017-2019: Dentist in the practice “Zahnärzte Düdingen” with Dres. med. dent. Y. Gabriel & E. Anton

01.2017-11.2017: Dentist in the dental practice of Dr. Mitrovic in Bern

09.2000 until today: part-time work in own practice near Warsaw (Poland)

1995-1997: Specialization in conservative dentistry in Wroclaw (Poland)

1994: Opening of own practice in Wroclaw

1992-1997: Dentist in the municipality of Długołęka with Dr. Zieliński

1987-1992: study of dentistry at the University of Wroclaw (Poland)

Languages: German, English, Polish

Specialties: reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry, endodontics

Family: five children